Founder, Front Ensemble Percussion Designer

Hunter Davis

Hunter is a percussionist and composer from Noblesville, IN and was exposed to the artistic aspect of music and composition at a very young age. He began listening to many modern rock and rap artists in his early years which sparked his eagerness to branch out into other tastes and genres of music elsewhere. Following suit to his father (an avid guitarist of over 20+ years, and drumset player in numerous bands throughout his life as well), he wanted to pursue music and composition to the fullest extent possible.

Approaching middle school, he took part in percussion in the concert band, and played drumset for the pep band and jazz bands. Moving into high school, he was also a part of these groups, as well as the marching band during the summer seasons and the indoor percussion ensemble during the winter seasons (which was his most prominent and interested activity throughout his high school career). Throughout his marching seasons in high school, most of his time performing was spent with the battery percussion which may not corelate with his specialty in writing/arranging for front ensemble percussion. But rest assured, his writing/arranging abilities will always standout and spark the interest of any player.

Following high school, Hunter did not attend college nor chose to take part in any independent performing arts group. Instead, he decided to join the United States Air Force in September of 2019, and began working as a Fuels Distribution Operator (POL) in January of 2020. Furthermore, despite the lack of connection between these two career choices, Hunter’s aspiration to pursue music composition and the arts still is very much alive, and continues to compose and arrange in his frequent off time during his active duty military service.

Hunter hopes to be able to pursue music and the performing arts upon his separation from the Armed Forces, and wants to make his works known to the world.