Day of the Dead


Day of the Dead

Sale price$900
ID: VA-013

Unavailable for Regional Protection


The original ideas for this show date back to the summer of 2016, and as we have quite the obsession with dark, scary and depressing shows, this show is surely nothing short of that!


The motif of the show is based around Frédéric Chopin’s “Marche Funébre” from his Piano Sonata No. 2, Op. 35 (or more commonly known as, the “Funeral March”) dating all the way back to 1839. We obviously took a massively different twist on the idea and also applied it to a marching-style show, with the rest of the material being original content. The writing of the show (since 2016), has been re-written massively (for improved/reduced instrumentation, writing techniques, and other various scoring changes). Just a few months was spent collectively on the re-write before publishing.

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