


Sale price$600
ID: VA-035
Available for Regional Protection

featuring the original music of Billie Eilish from her album, “dont smile at me”


Incendium begins as a basic, tried and true love story between two characters and explores the metaphor of fire/burning as a symbol of lust.


Incendium begins as a basic, tried and true love story between two characters and explores the metaphor of fire/burning as a symbol of lust. The show opens with a short piano solo as the characters meet for the first time. This signifies the spark of feeling that is carried throughout the program. As the show progresses, we watch the characters become acquainted and eventually fall deeper and deeper for each other, or so it seems.

The final movement of Incendium serves as the turning point of the program. The battery percussion takes over as one character suddenly becomes distant from the other, eventually disappearing completely and leaving the latter left to question what happened and what to do with themselves now that they are alone. Billie Eilish’s vocals from her song watch drive this narrative and allow the audience to understand and relate to the feelings of the character who has been left alone.

Incendium serves as a great intermediate level production in all facets and allows for both individual personality and raw emotion to be displayed on the floor. If you’re looking for a balanced yet challenging program for your students, this one is for you!

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